Curious Kids Nature Guide
Curious Kids Nature Guide is filled with 100 full-colour, beautiful, and scientifically accurate illustrations, that will inspire kids to go outdoors and discover and explore the natural wonders of the Pacific Northwest.
This engaging nature guide, filled with full-colour illustrations and fun facts about the natural wonders of the Pacific Northwest, encourages kids to discover and explore nature in their own backyards and beyond.
Organized by habitat--forest, beaches, freshwater, and backyards/urban parks--this book will teach kids about some of the most intriguing flora, fauna, and natural phenomena of the region, while also teaching ecological lessons.
- Description
- Features
- Baby raccoons are smaller than a bar of soap!
- Anemones are green because of photosynthetic algae--so anemones that live in the shade are white!
- Carpenter ants feed each other by vomiting in each other's mouths!
- This is the outdoor nature guide for curious kids in the Pacific Northwest.